ISIN Code ES0105344008 Sector Technology y Telecommunications
Ticker TR1 Subsector Electronics and Software
Private Meetings Eduardo Fuentesal Ñudi (Presidente)
Charo Luna Tomillo (Directora M&A)

Tier1 is a business group that is known for its deep expertise in software and systems technology, as well as for its extensive knowledge of business processes in different sectors. Thanks to this unique combination of skills, it has positioned itself as a leader in the development and implementation of software solutions, as well as in the management and maintenance of technological infrastructure.

Technology with purpose

Based on the values of professionalism, experience and trust, Tier1's mission is to bring innovation and continuous digital transformation to the client, with sustainability criteria, also guaranteeing them an economic return based on the generation of value and competitiveness, where the rudder is the adaptation to constant change.

Key player in multi-sector technology transformation

For more than 30 years Tier1 has driven growth in multiple sectors, from industry and distribution to public administrations, bringing innovation and value to institutions by helping them adapt to change and their digital transformation.

A benchmark in the retail market

Specifically for the Retail sector, Tier1 has developed an important activity thanks to the construction of comerzzia, a sales engine for unified commerce with a presence in more than 60 countries. The comerzzia software has been recognised by the consultancy firm Gartner since 2016 and has become a benchmark solution for the retail market worldwide, thanks also to the deployment of its network of partners and customers.

Tier1's business model is based on two fundamental pillars: the consolidation of volumes and margins that generate high recurrence, and the growth and scalability of comerzzia. In addition, its strategy includes a focus on inorganic growth at national and international level, with the aim of boosting and expanding its specialisation in converging sectors, such as food distribution and catering.

Tier1, headquartered in Seville, has a team of more than 350 professionals and a network of offices in Spain and Portugal. In addition, the company and its subsidiaries are present in both Europe and America, focusing on expansion and internationalisation.

Web https://www.tier1.es/portal/
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