ISIN Code ES0105517009 Sector Petrol and power
Ticker EIDF Subsector Renewable Energy

EiDF (Energía, Innovación y Desarrollo Fotovoltaico SA) is a national company, based in Galicia, specialized in photovoltaic solar energy installations. Its main activity is energy self-consumption aimed at small and large companies in order to offer them an efficient and profitable saving alternative with which to reduce energy costs and improve their competitiveness. The company promotes the use of clean and renewable energy to foster environmental sustainability and tackle climate change.

In order to offer a comprehensive service in photovoltaic projects and complete its value chain, EiDF has started a vertical business integration incorporating utility-scale photovoltaic generation and energy trading into its activity. These two business lines are complementary to self-consumption and will allow us to cover all the energy needs of our customers.

The energy produced in its plants will be allocated to its self-consumption customers to supply them with the electricity necessary for their productive activity, ensuring the supply of 100% renewable energy. For this purpose, EIDF has its own marketer, Prosol Comecializadora, which, in addition to supplying energy, will also be in charge of managing surplus production from photovoltaic installations.

Web https://www.eidfsolar.es/
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