ISIN Code ES0105251005 Sector Financial services and real estate
Ticker HOME Subsector Real Estate and Others
Speaker Jose Cravo (Head of Investor Relations)
Private Meetings Jose Cravo (Head of Investor Relations)
Jorge Pepa (Vice-President)

Neinor Homes is the leading Spanish Residential Platform with one of the largest land  banks comprising c16,800# and a GAV of €1.9bn as of December 2021. This land bank is located in the most dynamic and sought-after regions of Spain: Madrid, South  East and West Andalucia, Levante, Basque Country and Catalonia.Furthermore, Neinor  is the only player with a 360º value proposition covering the entire value chain of the  development and rental businesses.These business lines are complemented by services  activity with an extensive know-how in urban planning, servicing, third-party development  and construction. In its 2021 assessment, Neinor was recognized by Sustainalytics as the  most sustainable developer worldwide being positioned #1 out of 284 companies.

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