ISIN Code ES0105561007 Sector Technology y Telecommunications
Ticker PAR Subsector Telecommunications and Others
Private Meetings Ernest Pérez-Mas (Presidente)

Parlem Telecom is a Catalan operator with its origins in 2014 and which offers comprehensive telecommunications services, both for individuals and companies, from Catalonia and in Catalan. It offers a close working relationship with the client with its own identity. The company, chaired by Ernest Pérez-Mas, is in its expansion phase and has appeared in the last two years among the top 200 positions in the Financial Times ranking of the 1,000 fastest growing companies in Europe. 

Located in the 22@ district of Barcelona, Parlem Telecom is a cutting-edge operator that develops innovation projects, such as 5G Pilots in the metropolitan area or artificial intelligence projects in Catalan. It is also very involved in promoting the ICT sector of Catalonia. The company offers multiple innovative technological solutions tailored to the needs of each company through the Parlem Enterprises business line and is also working towards opening physical stores in Catalonia, as well as the development of its own fibre infrastructure that guarantees the connectivity throughout the entire region. Parlem Telecom hopes to become a large Catalan telecommunications group that contributes to the cultural, social and economic development of this territory.


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